5 Reasons Why Oakville Is the Town for YOU!

Thursday Aug 09th, 2018


Throughout my years as a real estate broker, I have helped many buy and sell property all around the GTA, and Oakville has always been one of the top places that people want to call home. Here are five of many reasons that makes Oakville a special and perfect place for many if not all:


  1. Natural Space

All around Oakville, there are many trails and forests that are great for nice peaceful walks. Along with that, there are many parks great for children to play in and even picnics. A very well known park in Oakville is Bronte Creek Provincial Park, which has everything, a pool, parks, picnic space and much much more.


  1. Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital

Recently, a brand new huge hospital has opened up in Oakville. The new addition to the town is a great place for people to go heal and also offers state of the art emergency services. Giving the amazing large space, the hospital specializes in many medical cases to help the community.


  1. Wonderful Neighborhoods

Around all of Oakville there are new housing spaces being listed for sale and are also currently being built. The increase in unique real estate creates more job opportunities and also gives many housing spaces for newcomers to the town.


  1. Many Extra-Curricular Activities for Children

Oakville has many extra curricular activities to help children strive and grow, like sports teams, clubs, educational aid, and much more.


  1. A Welcoming Community

Oakville welcomes new families to their community everyday and allows them to not only start their own businesses and give children a great place to learn and grow. It also has many job opportunities for people looking for employment.


For more details about Oakville and the listings there, please do not hesitate to contact me at:

Phone: (416) 400- 9039

Email: Sold@alaayousif.com

Website: www.alaayousif.com

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